And here it is, my picks for the top 5 albums of 2009!
5. "Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix" by Phoenix

-First time I heard their hit "1901" I was amazed, I had to find out what this song was, then I kept hearing it just about everywhere and I had to find out what it was. I was surprised I had never heard of them before, but this break through album of theirs was amazing. A LOT of catchy, 'get stuck in your head' tunes. Hopefully seeing them live next Sunday too :D
4. "Manners" by Passion Pit

-A main source of my music is commercials, and it feels like a damn long time ago when I first heard "Sleepyhead", but ever since that I been hearing about this band absoutly everywhere! And no wonder because thei album is great, they were here in Ottawa too btu at an 19+ venue haha. But yeah I really love their songs just uplifting and awesome, his voice takes some warming up to but I really do love it.
3. "Veckatimest" by Grizzly Bear

-Here's another artist who definetly got a lot of hype this year, so after reading about them and even my mom telling me about them I finally decided to check it out only to discover the most beutiful album of the year. Truely amazing album, I listened to it no stop for like a week. "Ready, Able" makes me want to cry and "Two Weeks" is always in my head. Just fantastic.
2. "Merriweather Post Pavillion" by Animal Collective

-Now this band definetly got the most coverage in 2009 on the indie scene. And no wonder, just amazing. I didnt even know they were hyped or had a new album out for so long, my friend just recommended them to me because they were 'weird', but they quckly became one of my favourite bands of all time. Their lyrics, their energy, their voices,their over all sound, definetly the best discovery I made all year. When this album came out at the very start of January it was already being called the best album for 2009, its absolutly brilliant. I love Animal Collective.
1. "Psychic Chasms EP" by Neon Indian

-Now this was an impossible choice. Animal Collective definetly had my pick for top artist of the year, but then thinking about it in terms of albums I had to pick Neon Indian's debut album. I love every track, I can listen to this over and over again and its still holds the same feeling I get from when I first heard it. It reminds you of good memories and just feelings I can't even described. Everyone Ive showed this album too agreed that they thought it was amazing. I cant even describe this album and wouldn't even be able to pick a favourite track off of it because I just love everything about it. Just great 'chillwave' [as people are calling it] music. definetly give them a listen its amazing.
So there it is, my picks for best albums of 2009..
What are yours?
2009 was deifnetly a great year for music for me, Idiscovered so many bands and went to many lives shows, it was the year music took over a very large part fo my life.
There were a lot of other AMAZING artists that put out some great stuff this year, but when electronica artists its really hard to find full albums? I dont even know, but heres a list of some GREAT electro artists of this year
-Jack Beats
-Kissy Sell Out
-Fake BloodFor me, this newish ganre "
fidget house" took the electronic music scene by storm and completly changed my tastes in electro. Now its all about crazy bass and undescribable beats. Crazy stuff, all great.
And this is not over yet, not only was I asked to make a list of my favourite albums, but I was also asked to pick out my top 20 songs of 2009, so stay tuned for that...