"Paris" by Friendly Fires [mp3]
Been thinking about the future a lot lately, its comming around that time where Im supposed to be getting those applications for universitys in...
So its been a little hectic and stressful. You know what sucks about going into arts? Portfolios. Dont want to make them, just want to slack off. Jesus, look at me up at 4am sewing... So glad were on Christmas Break here...
So my numero uno choice for university is Ryerson

It is in Toronto and I am hopefully going for 'fashion design'. Its special to me because its a university course not college. Really I'm hardly even considering anything else. Really hoping to get in here...

[Drove right by the CN Tower last night, it was spectacular.]
A big factor in choosing a universtiy was that it had to be in a big city [Toronto/Montreal]. Sick of Ottawa, sick of how no bands come here, sick of how the buildings have a height limit [wtf.]. I need a change of pace.
So been sewing some things and drawing some drawings up, hopefully Ill get 'em all scanned up so I can post them here.
Excited for the futur, how about you?
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