My scalp is sore.
Everything I stand up a get a head rush.
I feel like Im going to pass out whenever I walk.
I think Im sick.
buutt... still going out tonight :)
So heres some FANTASTIC movies ive watched recently:
Gran Torino 2008

Completly not what I thought this movie was about. I was waiting to see how this grumpy old man was going to mesh in the his neighbours and I was pleasently surprised how it turned out, very said but I LOVED Clint Eastwood and his character.
Garden State 2004

Just a neat little movies with some quirky characters, very enjoyable.
Lost In Translation 2003

Loved it! I loved the characters and all the antics they get in to, I'd love to visit Japan just to experience that kind of culture shock. Also there is a scene with "Too Young" by Phoenix.
GoodFellas 1990

Recommended to me by a couple of friends I finally decided to give it a god and what an amazing story and interesting look on how gansters work. Just overall fantastic.
Taxi Driver 1976

This one was always sitting around of my "movie list" because I heard it was a classic, and what a film. Some very interesting characters that always kept me guessing what they were doing. Plus its the "you talking to me?" film!
The Graduate 1967

FANTASTIC! Loved loved loved the story and all the characters. The main awkwardness really made it for me. Just so great and genuinely hilarious, pretty damn modern for its time as well. Seriously, who doesnt love the 60's, so cool. Also all the music is Simon & Garfunkel which is a huge bonus.
Theres nothing like a good movie, they take you to another place and make you want to change your life.
but in contrast to that heres a movie that looks like total shit, but I must see for a good laugh with my buddies:
"its sunday... AND THEYRE NOT OPEN AGAIN TIL FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
If you liked Lost in Translation, check out these other great Bill Murray movies:
The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
Broken Flowers