-Ive been considering dropping the great course of bio... [apparently you cant pass without doing the homework, BS, I never do homework], I mean I was already going to drop it before for photography, but then I couldnt take cooking haha, I dont see why Im so hesitant of dropping it now...
-Also cant remeber if I had previously mentioned it, but i for my Ryerson portfolio all sent in [a while ago], and Ill be posting my sewn garmets and illustrations as soon as I get around to it...
-And the Ottawa Rideau Canal Skateway is now open, the LARGEST outdoor skateway [f u whoever made the 'longest', probably some one person at a time shit...], but being the great canadian I am I went and enjoyed a beautifully delicious beaver tail as well as some mable syrup on a stick. amazing.
so heres me and my buds at the end [we always gotta skate the whole thing], and look at that even got part of the Parliment Buildings in the top left how nice. And if you could tell im the one who's friggin short in the grey trench [from Urban Behaviour, served me well for 3 brutal winters]
Ive also been trying to rehabilitate my poor fish, Admiral Finn, who i suspect has fin rot, or what i described to my friends as "his fins are disintigrating!"... so Ive 'suped up' and 'pimped out' his bowl:
Pretty nice I would say... He seems happier... I think...
So yeah, OCAD [Ontario College of Art & Design] interview in Toronto Thursday the 25th and one for York on March 2nd... fun. Maybe while Im in TO Ill stop by UP and try to find a dress for the semi formal....

Made a recent post about the fabulous band Delorean over at THE FASHION PRESS
[check it out]
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