
let's make a sandwhich

well i was going to post about how i actually love the video for "Telephone" by Lady Gaga ft. Beyoncé, i think its hilarious and i like her telephone hat, but while looking for the video i came across this:

"Telephone (Loose Cannons Redial)" by Lady Gaga ft. Beyoncé [download here]

and though i do think the song is pretty good, i like this one better haha

and while searching for the mp3 to go along with that vid i came across 2 more that sounded amazing

"Telephone (Crookers Remix)" by Lady Gaga ft. Beyoncé [download here]
"Telephone (Passion Pit Remix)" by Lady Gaga ft. Beyoncé [download here]

dont you love the internet?


so i set up an account on that FormSpring after seeing it on someones blog a while ago. you can anonymously ask my any question you like and i will [hopefully] provide you with an answer, and if its interesting enough maybe Ill put it up here

so 'formspring me'
or else i've got the little widget on the sidebar there...

so heres a question i was asked a couple days ago:

"What/where is your favourite vintage shop?"

"there used to be a great store in downtown Ottawa called Orange, it was all psychedelic 60's, like you walked into a Beatles music video, sadly it shut down recently :( also all I ever bought there was a scarf since it was so pricey haha

but for me, the best times to buy vintage is at big vintage sales, I dont know if youre from Ottawa but the Chateau Laurier holds a HUGE one every year and Carleton also has one twice a year I think, but always check flea markets and second hand stores as well, and try to get things from you mom/grandma haha"


can't shake this feeling

i know i probably already posted enough for one day but...

this music video is too funny.

"Can't Shake This Feeling" by Grum

at least i wont scratch them...

so i actually found these a long while back on the ground outside a 'being demolished' school [while my crazy friends were scoping out the place], but yeah i always thought they were pretty cool, despite missing the lenses and one of the arms hahaha, they stay on pretty well too

i actually quite like them though, took they for a test run today, but of course lenseless glasses always get mixed reviews. i do feel like a poser wearing them, but im a fan what can i say. why should the fabulous accesory of glasses only be limited to the blind? even though i am blind, but prefer the comfort of contact lenses... i think theyre a great accesory even if its a silly idea

heres the rest of the outfit:

[glasses from the ground, hat from my great aunt, shirt from Garage, shoes from Winners, tights from UO, cardigan from a flea market, necklaces from Aldo, skirt made by me :) ]

feelin' thrifty

so i was feeling kinda down about not being as eclectic and vintagy/thrifty as i used to, takes time to put together a complex outfit these days and im just too damn lazy, but i finally went for it yesterday

i dont dig shear tights that much, i think itll just look like things on my legs or that my legs are just a lightly off colour... so i put these bad boys that i got from my mom that she bought for a wedding over top of some plain black tights

[hat, dress & shoes from Winners, jacket from UO, pink skirt under dress from Urban Behaviour, suit vest you cant see from Sirens, tights from my mom, necklaces from Aldo, AND BELT FROM BROWNIES!!!!]


i got a rocket

well break ended a couple of days ago... i've just been lazy, as always i have too much to post about but not enough time to post [or enough incentive for that matter...], but dont worry! because im back! and i will FIND the time! hahaha...


just did a quick post about Goldfrapp's latest album "Head First" over at...



and in relation to that album I think this remix by the awesome Grum surpases the original hit single "Rocket":

"Rocket (GRUM REMIX)" by Goldfrapp [download here]


omg i wore 2 homemade things in one day, new record!!!

[shirt and tights from UO, shoes from Sears, necklaces from Aldo, skirt and jacket made by me! :) ]

so... i think i need a photographer...? ill work on it, getting sick of these wonky angles.


spring breeaaakkk

sorry for lack of posts but im on MARCH BREAK over here so party party party!

ill try to post about something when i can but im hardly at home or have people over


and now, an overload of various pictures.


electric shock

Just wrote a post about Gorillaz's Plastic Beach over at:


go head on over there an check it out, but in a nutshell i really LOVED the album, thought it was fantastic.

but while searching for all the tracks off this beautiful album i came across this gem of a track that didnt make the cut:

"Electric Shock" by Gorillaz [mp3]

The vocals are really reminiscent of The Go! Team and I found the circusy vibes bring me back to the great "Oompa Radar" by Goldfrapp, all in all a greeeaaat track! Sad it didnt make it onto the album in full but you can still here samples of it in one of my fave tracks on the album, "Rhinestone Eyes" [which reminds me of that good old track Rock It].

don't sleep

feeling slightly depressed since my love Neon Indian is playing in Montreal tonight, but i unfortunatly couldn't make it because 1. i have school the next day back here in ottawa and 2. im not 18 til april...

but just when i thought all was lost, they have released a new mp3!!!
"Sleep Paralysist" by Neon Indian [download here]

hmmm.. i dont know guys, i'm diggin what i heard on Psychic Chasms a bit more, but maybe it just needs a few more listen, i mean its obviously great to here some new Neon Indian material either way


[hat from great aunt, necklace from flea market maybe, shirt from UO, Cheap Monday pants from NRML, DC shoes from BoatHouse]


flash delirium

despite what i read about MGMT saying they didnt want any singles of their new album to be released and that they wanted it to be heard as a whole a new track is available on their website:

"Flash Delirium" by MGMT [download here]

what do you think?
i like it, a lot of people think MGMT is overrated, and they kinda are.. but i've always loved them from the first moment i heard Time To Pretend

from what i read about Congratulations this track wasn't what i was expecting, it still sounds very much like MGMT, but better.

excited for the rest of the album?
april 13th 2010 [day before my birthday]



haha this is just sooo good, a very soulful, funky, and old school cover of that great Justice track:
"D.A.N.C.E. (Justice Cover)" by Hawa [mp3]

theres also that Jay-Z track that samples a line from the song, and i've always hated Jay-Z for what he did to that Punjabi MC song but i actually dig this tune:
"On to the Next One" by Jay-Z [download here]

when are you gonna hear from justice again eh?
im also wondering why i've never seen this video...

"DVNO" by Justice

now thats a music video!


so while in TO i also bought some shorts at Winner, ive been wanting shorts like this for a while haha

[short from Winners, top and jacket from UO, tights and sock from my mom, shoes from Sears]


in my heels tonight

it makes me very happy to know this song exists:

"Canned Heat (Calvin Harris Remix) by Jamiroquai [mp3]


so much to blog and so little time haha

so during my trip to Toronto my mom apparently knew everywhere so we checked out some vintage/little unknown shop in/near? China Town and i found this fab dress for only 20:

so my mother decided to 'go shopping for me' at the final clearance sale and got these shoes for me for $11, only later to find out theyw ere originally $150 after we took all the stickers off! go figure eh
[Dress from random chinese store, shoes from Winners, jacket from UO, necklaces from Aldo, tights from my mom]


and heres a picture i drew...

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