[Watch it Here]
pretty great, i've been waiting so impatiently to hear from them. man, i friggin loved them in my youth haha, and i still do of course. their music was so new to me and just the concept of the band being cartoons was so appealing at the time. they were the first band that i 'had to know everything about'. i remeber spending so much time exploring their amazing interactive website, they've redone it recently too for their new upcoming album and it still slightly scares me as always...
god how can you not love these guys? such a blend of styles and presented in such a unique way.
where were you when you first heard about Gorillaz? and when did you find out they were friggin cartoons?? i mean Damon Albarn's great voice and Jamie Hewlett's amazing illustrations [love you tank girl], how could they be bad really?

"Plastic Beach" comes out tomorrow and boy i cant wait to hear some new tracks from these guys
but while we wait heres an amazing remix [thats a free download by the way]:
"Stylo (feat. Mos Def and Bobby Womack) (Chiddy Bang Remix)" by Gorillaz [download here]
[this little widget sure is handy dandy]
I might like it better than the original... havent decided yet
ps, im on the train home... and if i ever take a train again... [even though i know i will.]
but yeah, this interview went very well, the people at York are very nice and helpful, but you know? Yorks not downtown! why the hell did i even apply! still it has a huge campus and its like 40min commute to the downtown....
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