
she can stay

just wrote a post about Caribou's lastest album "Swim" over at...



[dress and shoes from Winners, jacket from UO, necklaces from Aldo, belt from Sirens, tights from my mom]


seems like a great majority or my tights are from my mom, and no wonder, i go out shopping downtown on the hunt for 3 simple items today:

-high waited, but short!, black pencil skirt, perferable bandage looking: the closest i come to is too long and dont like the fabric for 25 at Urban Behaviour and the spot on what I really wanted is over 100 dollars at your local BCBG, greeeaat...

-and 2 pairs of tights, creamy lacy looking and sheer white with flowers [after i saw a girl on the bus there with a pair], and boy! tights are DAMN expensive at Fancy Sox, why doesnt my mom just have a pair :(

but on my solo adventure downtown [where i seem to be a lot lately], i have again come to the realization, and now more than ever, that... OTTAWA SUCKS.

get me out of here please its such a snoozefest, theres no personality, no pizaz, theres nothing to do! and the shopping is terrible, every time i do come across nice little stores the prices are outrageous! whats a girl without a job to do! [though i have been planning on working downtown actually haha], but yeah, i left pissed off and empty handed, maybe shopping just isn't my thing anymore [but i want clothes :( ]

maybe i just need to get better at thrifting as well, i did come across a fantastic vintage store right here in Ottawa [can you believe it??] its called Ragtime and its on 43 Flora Street, really worth stopping by


dont really have a title...

looks like im definetly not failing at documenting my outfits, but i am definetly failing at putting them up haha, so heres 2... and you would not believe the amount of times people have asked me if i had tattoos on my legs, but im COMPLETLY ubsessed with these tights+these boots combo.

[dress from Winners, shoes and jacket from UO, tights from my mom, necklaces from Aldo, socks from flea market]

[shirt from UO, skirt from H&M]


so my mother asked me to contribute to this little exhibit type thing called the C4 gallery and its all these pieces of artwork in little 5x8x4 drawers

she said her buddy wanted more work from highschool students so i spent a whole night and basically a whole day in school traying to get this thing done haha

[4" by 5", acrylic and a little bit of ink]



so... i may or may not be completly obsessed with Dexter, i mean theres 4 season available to me for online watching, HOW CAN I IGNORE THEM??? but yes... it is the cause of my abscense.... [im not pathetic], but dont worry im already onto season 3!

another reason for my abscense is a lot of prom dress hunting this past week, and still nothing striking my fancy, at first i was just going to give up and attempt to make my own [ill scan the sketch later], but not i've decided tog o in a completly different direction from previously planned...

i'm on the hunt for a mini sequined dress in white/silver or something..., with black tight and gold accesories... we'll see how this goes [not well so far]

and just looking for images on google now i find this piece of beauty:

jesus christ WHERE can i get this? i would die to own that, the whole look really as well, because if you havent noticed, im a huge fan of socks and heels [thank you Ugly Betty, r.i.p.]


i've also FINALLY got my hands on that Crystal Castles leak [thanks Erica!] and i am quiiite enjoying it! post more about it later or save that one for the fashion press...


heres a new question! dont forget to keep 'em coming, i do enjoy these :D

"why "ilymelk" ?"

"i had been stuck with the same username "zaratulah" for everything since the days of Neopets, but I started hating it, and before my blog was "ilymelk" it was "WeakAsPaper", because i was once weak little paper girl... haha

but as for ilymelk, i pronounce milk melk, vanilla vanella, both bolth, and lets just say i get a lot of hell for it haha, so a thing me and my buddies like to do is make up "tag names" if we ever did grafitti, and it was one i always liked, but unfortunately melk was taken on blogspot so i just threw on "ily", stands for I love you :)"


and heres an outfit to top off this post...

I actually wear these shoes every day now... dont regret the $88 dollar price haha
[shoes and pants from UO, American Apparel top from Bang On!, necklaces from Aldo]

got some cuuuute dresses with my mommy today, im sure theyll find their way into some pics sometime...


i've got a car, that i call jennnyyyy

good news! turned 18 yesterday everyone :) :) so yessss, legal in Quebec [which is 15min away], though i still probably wont drink, but clubs and 18+ shows here I come!

so for my birthday so far went out to the chinese buffet with the family, while my father told "youre probably a redneck" jokes at the table that he had looked up on his Blackberry [yes he has walked into a tree while on that thing]

"If your father walks you to school because hes in the same grade as you, youre probably a redneck"

of course my mother was all stoooppp iiittt
but yeah... good times...?
i'll probably be heading out to my fave Japaneae place downtown either friday or saturday, they cook your food right at your table! and there fire :D


heres my birthday outfit, no hat! put my hair up :D [it REALLY needs a cut.]

[dress from Winners, shoes&jacket from UO, tights&socks from my mommy, necklaces from Aldo]


on a random side note, heres 3 things Im addicted to at the moment:

-this song: "Worse It Get (RAC Mix)" by Penguin Prison [Download Here]
-the show DEXTER, its friggin amazing just watch a whole season in 3 day, BLEW MY MIND.
-silly putty, it came with my birthday lunch [kids meal at Harveys], when was that last time you ever played with this stuff?

and i'd also like to thank everyone for their votes in my little poll experiment there, as well as for all the questions i've been receiving on formspring! [great success!]
heres one i just got though:

why are you such a poser?

"what am i posing as...?"

what do you guys think? AM i a poser? i guess its hard to say if you dont know me...
but what am i posing as??? dont know about some people but im definetly genuinely interested in what im interested in... :S


should be gettin' to bed...

so if you havent already seen I've decided to set up a cute little poll on my side bar there asking what do you want to see more of on my blog? feel like i talk about a lot of stuff here so what interests you more, or what would you like to see less of even...

just votez SVP on the side


heres a new dress i got in MTL, its got fun sleeves :)

[got some art i did 2-3 year back in that shot...]

[dress from H&M, tights & boots from UO, necklaces from Aldo]


robot sex

realised i never posted on my blog about this, but sometimes i like to paint shirts haha

heres one i did for my buds birthday, his idea that i drew out on a post-it note like a year before haha, decided itd be good on a tee

[thats a USB symbol on the back, shirts from Value Village]

ive got some more ive done to that i will put up laaater

getting my goat

i've finally heard back from at least one of my 3 schools!!!

yay, so thats my second choice, toronto is now guaranteed, jusst need to hear back from Ryerson now, dont even care about York anymore...


and heres a recent question i got on formspring

How can I be a big hipster like you

"hahaha, so what, i like to go to concerts, i like shopping at UO, i like that hipster type music, theyre just things i like and that i've always liked, but i dont like trying to pretend im not enjoying life or trying to be hip. so yes i do indulge in the whole hipster culture, but i dont think i have the hipster mind set, i wouldnt know though theres like no hipsters here, i still dont know what exactly they are by definition..."

so do i consider myself a hipster?
not really, i didnt know what a hipster was til a couple of months ago... but i guess i do fit the basic definition eh, but what can i say i've always been into the types of music i listen to, and hell i've always dressed pretty differently whether it was thigh high neon socks at 12 or satin blouses and pencil skirts at 15, i change styles all the time, but ive always loved the eclectic vintage type look that hipsters have adapted

where did hipster even come from? has it always been here? i remember the first time i went into an Urban Outfitters [which was like last year] and i just described it as 'boho' and 'eceltic', but now its clear to me how "hipster" it is. so i dont really know how i fell into the whole hipster stereotype, i kind of unkownly was heading towards it my whole life haha

so i guess on the outide, yes im probably a hipster, but i still wouldnt say i am one. i dont try to hip or ironic, i dont listen to music i dont even like because its cool, i dont go to concerts so i can say i went to it, i go because i like the experience of sharing the same love for the same music with a big group of people and hearing and seeing the talent live and looouuudd in front of my face is so surreal.

so yeah.. i dont know what to say, basically i dont want to be labelled a hipster for the negative connotations associated with it, because i too find that pretty damn annoying. i'm not going to stop liking what i like if its not "hip" anymore and im not going to stop liking the things i like just because theyre part of this whole hipster culture. it'll pass, just like scene kids and emo kids did, does anyone even remember when they were all the rage to hate? but i'll probably stay the same because this is just who i am haha

i have my own opinions, i go and do what i want, like what i like. everyones an idividual even if they are part of a mass sub-culture. who cares if a bunch of people like certain clothes and certain genres of music, it doesnt say that much about their personality anyways, they're just things people have in common.


the ground

so i check my formspring and i get this question:

Any tips on how to find cool things on the ground?

"hahaha, i'm not sure really, always be aware of the little things around you? look at the ground more... walk to places more? if you can get to somewhere where a building has been demolished you could probably find some neat stuff, but never hesitate to pick something random up if you thinks its really cool and not important, good luck!"

[have a question you want to ask? just formspring me here or type it in on the widget on the sidebar]

usually the things i pick up off the ground just come in handy as good knick knacks, its rare to find something actually useful but I wouldnt say i go looking for things so yess... if you were really a keener of finding neato things on the ground i would suggest actually going into abandoned buildings, but usually people say to only take pictures and leave the treasures for others to see when your abandoned building hopping [aka Urban Exploring]

[this is a small building we used to frequent, which we called "The Hole", sadly torn down some time ago... it was good for hide and go seak haha]

forests are fantastic for good finds as well, not to mention neato hang outs hidden within

[old pic, but dress and jacket from Winners, shoes from Bang On!, hat from Aldo]

another good place would be anywhere you know if a popular spot for bush parties, theres sure to be tons of things left behind there as well

im sure you could find a couple of souvenirs at concerts as well, hats/sunglasses/jewellery, you never know whats beneath that crazy crowd haha

but if you want to sweet stuff without paying top dollar thift stores and flea markets are always good for solving the problem [though it wont have as cool as a back story :( ]

if youve got any tips feel free to share them!

heres some of the 'best of' of found on the ground [guess whos going to become a pack rat???]
left to right...
[piece of that graffitied wall, sunglasses from Girl Talk concert, cool pipe from resting ground of The Hole, shoe from outside my school, rusty spray paint can from forest behind The Hole, bottle caps from here and there, pipe from the street, glasses from outside being demolished school, photo of a girl and her bunny on someones front lawn..., car part and liscense plate form the sidewalk]

this is just a sick pipe, really i do nothing with it it sits under my bed... but maybe when i get a place to myself ill mount it on the wall or something because i love it haha

love this shoe! size 9 mens converse with a sweet inner layer as well, not to mention its spray painted gold?

pretty much my pride and joy, i mean first of all, Girl Talk concert?? second, THEYRE 3 FRIGGIN COLOURS!!!!!

so good luck with all your endeavors, hope you find some cool stuff haha [dont steal though]

also i found my crappy lenseless glasses.... THEY WERE WHERE I ALWAYS PUT THEM. got im an idiot, ive been whining about that for 2 weeks.



so [of course] i did some shoppiiiing in MTL, since theyve got all the stores and what not, so heres an outfit composed mainly of new pieces, i had actually taken some shots in my room, but after heading over to our fave spot me and my BEST FRIEND KYLE [who i know will see this] decided to take some pics there:

got my same fave jacket in purple since it was on sale for 30 brrraaap
[jacket, shoes & shirt from UO, skirt from H&M, tights from my mom from her wedding, hat knitted by my great aunt, necklaces from Aldo]

NEW SHOES!!!!!!!!!!!
snagged these puppies from Urban Outfitters, pretty pricey but I NEEDED THEM.

also picked up these glasses [after my dad picked them out for me hahahhaa] kind of replace my old one armed no lensed buddies since i think theyre gone for good :( at keast these ones are sunglasses not just a no percription lense [at leats they have lenses HA]

so yesss... i actually bought more than this... but ill show that stuff off later... for now ill show off Gilbey, a secret broken down wall of who knows what in the middle of a pretty damn small firest, the graffiti on it changes a lot for the main wall, but all these blue guys never get too badly painted off [THANK GOD]

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