

[Edit: and after everything there would STILL be a typo IN THE TITLE, just terrible.]

soo new question today...

"Are you dyslexic or just reeeeeally bad at spelling and grammar?"

"Let's just say I'm always trying to type to fast for my own good, and I end up tripping over all the keys and making about a million typos along the way, haha
But naw, I'm pretty damn good at spelling and grammar, when I need to be. I obviously don't care enough about the net to read anything over really, though I should. I'm sure it bothers a lot of grammar nazis... but I'll try to make a special effort, just for you :)
And no, I'm surprisingly not dyslexic :D
 (I read over this one just for you as well)"

So what do you guys think?

Should I take the time to type out these posts properly?
Should I actually pay attention to what I'm typing?
Should I read them over?
Should I use capital letters?
Should I use apostrophes? [Please don't make me]
Should I stop using square brackets and use the proper ones?
Should I use to spell check option?

How far can I let my grammar slip until I'm going to start pissing people off...?

so much work, just wanna put up pictures and not have to say anything haha

feel free to ask a question of your own by clicking [here]
or by typing it in the little box on the side bar
thanks for all the questions everyone!


  1. so was the title on purpose or another mistake?? hahah

  2. First of all, "gammar"? that REALLY needs fixing laura. i mean it's the TITLE, and it just proves that person's point.
    i always wondered how you made so many mistakes, but i never knew you don't read them over before publishing.
    i don't mind uncapitalized i's, or nouns, and your punctuation isn't THAT bad.. but what really gets me is when you switch up letters (or leave some out), or make really dumb typos.

  3. yeah, i would still make a typo after everything...

    f my liiiiffeee


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