
crazy for you

the new Best Coast album, Crazy For You, is now available for streaming on the Urban Outfitters website [here]. album comes out on July 27th, but of course its leaked and floating around everywhere so keep an eye out

this album and Wavves's King Of The Beach are no question the ultimate music for the beach this summer, especially in this heat wave. what an amazing couple haha


so one day my friend said he was coming to pick me up in his car and i still had a fro... so i had to take it out for a spin haha

[shirt&boots from UO, shorts from Winners, necklace from a flea market, socks form my maaam]


  1. your curly hair is amazing!!

  2. I love your top! and your hair, is your hair naturally curly? If yes, Im so jealous! hahaha I always wanted curly hair like yous:)

  3. haha yes thats my hair at its natural state, i never leave it curly though haha

    if you have straight hair you want it curly and if you have curly you want it straight XD

  4. you should leave your hair curly all the time! it looks fab

  5. I like your jacket, very nice :)


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